Wednesday, June 17, 2015


It was about a 2 hour train ride to Burgos on Wed. Dad caught up with U.S. news, and I caught up with the blog.

The big municipal albergue in Burgos, La Casa del Cubo Lerma, is located on a side street near Catedral de Santa Maria. The lively bar across from the albergue gets plenty of pilgrim business. 

The 5th floor where we slept -- most beds were filled by the end of the day. After checking in we went to the bus station to find out the bus schedule to Fromista. The bus didn't leave on Thurs. until 5:00 p.m., so we had time the next day to enjoy the city. 

Above is the west end of the Cathedral of Saint Mary of Burgos, a mostly Gothic structure that originated in the 13th c. It's considered one of Spain's most beautiful churches and a UNESCO World Heritage site. The Cathedral's official name in Spanish is Santa Iglesia Catedral Basilica Metropolitana de Santa Maria de Burgos. 

A view of the Cathedral's east end & north side that's seen from the albergue.

Sculptural details on the Cathedral's north side

The Arlanzon River divides Burgos into the old historic section on one side & the more modern commercial business district on the other.

The Arco de Santa Maria is one of 12 medieval entryways into the city. It was remodelled in the 16th c. and features sculptures of notable figures associated with Burgos, including legendary Spanish military hero El Cid.

A trio of Spanish poodles ready for action

Cycling peregrinos get ready to go on Thursday morning.

For breakfast we went to brunch at Hotel Almirante Bonifaz. We discovered the hotel in 2011 when it was the only place open for breakfast on an early Sunday morning.  Stopping by for breakfast is now a tradition when we're in Burgos.

Hostess Belen has served us the 4 times we've eaten here. She does a great job and always with a smile!

El Cid flies high over his home town of Burgos.

Stain glass at Iglesia de San Lesmes, which is dedicated to the patron saint of Burgos, San Lesmes.

The Capilla del Condestable (Chapel of the Constable) 

Dome in the Capilla del Condestable

Santa Maria's cloister area displayed moulds being used for restoration of the original structure. A 2 part mould (on the right and left) was used to replicate the old piece lying down. A finished piece stands second to the right.

Cathedral choir stall seats are richly carved.

We ended the day in Burgos with delicious gelato -- perfecto!

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