The area around Fromista served as a "breadbasket" for Rome, and during the Middle Ages the town was an important stop along the Road. It contained 2 hospices that attended to pilgrims who needed rest or medical help. Fromista's 11th c. Iglesia de San Martin is a prime example of Romanesque architecture and was built following the design of Cathedral de San Pedro in Jaca.
San Martin in evening light as seen out the albergue window
Lively breakfast conversation at the albergue began the day as we set off on the Meseta. Around the table were pilgrims from Argentina, Germany, Spain, and Boulder, Colorado.
Destination: Carrion de los Condes in Palencia,
a province in Castilla y Leon
The distinctive 'double marker' of this stretch out of Fromista
Pretty markers lined up all in a row
"Nothin' but blue skies"......and wheat fields
Chickens and geese entertained pilgrims at an albergue rest stop in the tiny village of Villarmentero de Campos.
Taking a bar break in Villalcazar de Sirga with walkers Sarah, a graphic designer & web developer living in D.C., and Melina, a university student from Germany who will be studying this fall in Berlin.
Close-up of the magnificent retablo in Villalcazar's Iglesia de Santa Maria la Blanca. During the Middle Ages, the town became a pilgrimage destination after supposed miracles performed by the Virgin became known there.
Dad reminisced about working the fields
while growing up on the farm.
A colorful bar was also a tienda (store) -- products for sale, including shampoo, were tucked into every corner.
The bell tower of the church of San Lorenzo
in Revenga de Campos
Carrion is in sight.
Our albergue, Espiritu Santo, was run by Hijas de San Vicente de Paul and had a serene atmosphere. Rooms were named after different regions of the world (we stayed in "Asia"). There were camas (beds) instead of literas (bunk beds).
Dad makes a hook shot on the albergue's basketball court.
After a 'supermercado dinner' of food bought at the market we heard a performance by international classical guitarist Michael Partington. Michael has been playing in different churches around Spain. His beautiful Spanish guitar music resonated in Iglesia de Santa Maria del Camino, and one piece musically followed a pilgrim's journey.
Michael is originally from England but has been living in Seattle for many years. His neighborhood is West Seattle, one of the areas I lived in for a while in the "Emerald City."
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